Day of Surgery

Wear loose, comfortable clothing that are big enough to accommodate a large bandage after surgery. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting shoes with adequate traction and support, no high heels.

You will need to change into a surgical gown.

Do not wear any jewelry (including body piercing), makeup or cologne. Do not bring any valuables with you.

Bring your drivers license and all insurance cards with you. If your insurance company requires a co-pay, please bring some form of payment.

Wearing contact lenses is NOT advised. We provide containers for removable dentures and bridgework.

If your surgeon has provided you with any assistive devices or a brace please bring that with you on the day of surgery.

If your child is having surgery, feel free to bring a favorite stuffed animal or security blanket for added assurance.

There is no food on-site so it is important that if your family will be staying and waiting during your surgery, they bring some type of food. There are a few restaurants within a 5-mile radius of the center as well.